Natural Herbal Viagra
Natural Herbal Viagra is found in the land of high Himalayas i.e. Nepal. A lots of researchers and scholars come to this land to find out its properties and medical benefits. In this land, “Yarsha Gumba” is known as the Natural Herbal Viagra. In addition, Yarsha Gumba is more than that. Yarsha Gumba is truly a great natural herbal.Yarsha Gumba is a rare and unique herb that grows in the meadows above 3,500 meters (11,483 feet) in the Himalayan region of Nepal. The scientific name of Yarsha Gumba is Ophiocordyceps sinensis. Ophiocordyceps sinensis is known as natural viagra which is a fungus which parasitises larvae of ghost moths and produces a fruiting body.True meaning of Yarsha Gumba is summer plant and winter insect which germinates in the living larve, kills and mummifies it. Then after, the stalk like fruiting body emerges from the corpse.

Locally, Yarsha Gumba is believed to be a cure for sexual impotency. Along with this, it is a tonic for many health problems. There are a lot of ongoing researches about Yarsha Gumba’ which has opened gateways for its medicinal values.
To say about this natural herbal viagra, it is found in the remote high land of Western Nepal. Many people around this remote area set for their life to collect Yarsha Gumba during May and June every year. Dolpa is a place where more than 50% of Natural Herbal Viagra come from. Many people die in the process of collection of this Natural Herbal Viagra due to sudden changes in the climate in that regions

In recent days, China also produces this natural herbal viagra in lab artificially. But, Natural Herbal Viagra that comes from Nepal is true natural herbal Viagra.
Advantages of Yarsha Gumba as Natural Herbal Viagra
It is purely organic. No fertilisers are used for its production.
It can be taken by any age group.
It is used for treatment of toothache,headach, and any other diseases.
It is used to increase the sexual fertilities
It increases your sexual power.
No side effects
A Yarsha Gumba a day, keeps doctor away.
Disadvantages of Yarsha Gumba as Natural Herbal Viagra
It is expensive.
So, I recommend all those who are interested to know about this herbal medicine. Please visit Nepal and taste it locally. Nowadays, this natural herbal Viagra has picked up international interest since its price has begun sky rocketing and won the hearts of many people.
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Dear Anchal,
I am here in Mugu where YarshaGumba is mine in Dolphu and Mugu VDCs. People used to collect Yarsha Gumba from the month of Jestha. This is the only one time to earn money for Yarsha Gumba collectors via which they survive whole year.
Your Friend
Suresh Kumar Thapa
Suresh Jee
I need more information about Yarsha Gumba and more realistic picuture of Dolpa.If you can take interview of any person over there who is familier about yarsha gumba. Please let me know.
Your fren
Dear Friend,
I am here in Mugu. I will try from my side. Yarsha Gumba collecting time is the month of Gestha in Karnali. I will tell the man who will go there to collect the Tax from JI Bi Sa as a representative to take some some video, photo and some interviews.
Have you visited my web site ?
See you soon By By ….
Your Friend
Suresh Kumar Thapa
Computer Engineer
DDC Mugu